Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics

A.B. Migdal Memorial Conference
"Advances in Theoretical Physics"

June 25-26, 2011   Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russia
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Arkady Beynusovich Migdal
Arkady Migdal
Main subjects:
  • Condensed Matter Theory
  • High Energy Physics
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Theory of Quantum Liquids

Objective: to commemorate the 100-years anniversary of Arkady Beynusovich Migdal (born 11 Mar 1911) reviewing the frontiers of modern theoretical physics

Framework: the program is supposed to be compiled of about 20 invited talks (about 30 minutes duration) with no parallel sessions. Talks on different branches of theoretical physics are expected to emphasize its universality following the Migdal style.

Location: Chernogolovka is a research center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, located about 60 km from the center of Moscow. Some flexible social program will be arranged by the Organizing Committee.

Dates: June 25,26 (Saturday,Sunday), starting from 10 a.m. International arrivals are expected on June 25 (Saturday). Scientific program will end up on June 26 (Sunday) and will be followed by the international conference "Landau Days 2011" (June 27-29).

Financials: The Organizing Committee covers the local expences of all speakers.

Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics Dynasty Foundation Russian Foundation for Basic Research